MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Chairman Jason R Thompson INVOCATION Reverend Steve Hein St Andrews Covenant Presbyterian Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner William A Caster NATIONAL ANTHEM Alecia Vanderhaar
Administration of Oaths of Office
Brian M Berger by the The Honorable Carolyn H Justice NC House of Representatives District 16 Richard G Catlin by The Honorable Sandra Ray Criner NC Judicial District Five Court Judge
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1 Adoption of Resolution Approving Code of Ethics 2 Adoption of Public Officials Bond Resolution 3 Approval of Tax Collections Report for October 2010 4 Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments
Consideration of a Resolution Supporting the Consideration of Airlie Road for the North Carolina Scenic Byway Designation
Consideration of Budget Amendment for Use of 911 Surcharge Funds in Accordance with New Legislation Enacted During the Last Session of the General Assembly
Public Hearing Rezoning Request Z907 1110 Request by H Phillip Berman to Rezone 035 Acre at 5200 Castle Hayne Road from R20 Residential to B2 Commercial District
Public Hearing Conditional Rezoning Request Z908 1110 Request by Thomas H Johnson Jr with Nexsen Pruet PLLC and Ryan Foster with Flournoy Development on Behalf of Bayshore Estates Inc to Rezone 2616 Acres at 7910 Market Street from B2 Commercial District and R15 Residential District to CD R15 Conditional District for the Purpose of Developing a High Density 270-Unit Apartment Complex
Public Hearing Conditional Rezoning Request Z908 1110 Request by Thomas H Johnson Jr with Nexsen Pruet PLLC and Ryan Foster with Flournoy Development on Behalf of Bayshore Estates Inc to Rezone 2616 Acres at 7910 Market Street from B2 Commercial District and R15 Residential District to CD R15 Conditional District for the Purpose of Developing a High Density 270-Unit Apartment Complex
Public Hearing Conditional Rezoning Request Z908 1110 Request by Thomas H Johnson Jr with Nexsen Pruet PLLC and Ryan Foster with Flournoy Development on Behalf of Bayshore Estates Inc to Rezone 2616 Acres at 7910 Market Street from B2 Commercial District and R15 Residential District to CD R15 Conditional District for the Purpose of Developing a High Density 270-Unit Apartment Complex
Public Hearing Subdivision Text Amendments A387 Request by the Csounty Technical Review Committee TRC to Amend Sections 20 411 524 of the Csounty Subdivision Ordinance by Incorporating Specific Language Road Profiles and Design Standards for Private Streets
Public Hearing Zoning Text Amendment A389 Request by Staff to Amend Article VI and Article VII of the Zoning Ordinance to Allow for Establishment of Farmers Markets and Produce Stands Under Certain Conditions
Public Hearing Street Naming SN112 101 Request by Staff to Name an Unimproved Road Known as New Road to New Jack Road and Reassign Street Mailing Addresses Located Between Whipporwill Lane and Channel Haven Drive North East of the 400 Block of Masonboro Loop Road
12. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 13. ADJOURN
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Chairman Jason R Thompson INVOCATION Reverend Steve Hein St Andrews Covenant Presbyterian Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner William A Caster NATIONAL ANTHEM Alecia Vanderhaar
Administration of Oaths of Office
Brian M Berger by the The Honorable Carolyn H Justice NC House of Representatives District 16 Richard G Catlin by The Honorable Sandra Ray Criner NC Judicial District Five Court Judge
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1 Adoption of Resolution Approving Code of Ethics 2 Adoption of Public Officials Bond Resolution 3 Approval of Tax Collections Report for October 2010 4 Adoption of Ordinances for Budget Amendments
Consideration of a Resolution Supporting the Consideration of Airlie Road for the North Carolina Scenic Byway Designation
Consideration of Budget Amendment for Use of 911 Surcharge Funds in Accordance with New Legislation Enacted During the Last Session of the General Assembly
Public Hearing Rezoning Request Z907 1110 Request by H Phillip Berman to Rezone 035 Acre at 5200 Castle Hayne Road from R20 Residential to B2 Commercial District
Public Hearing Conditional Rezoning Request Z908 1110 Request by Thomas H Johnson Jr with Nexsen Pruet PLLC and Ryan Foster with Flournoy Development on Behalf of Bayshore Estates Inc to Rezone 2616 Acres at 7910 Market Street from B2 Commercial District and R15 Residential District to CD R15 Conditional District for the Purpose of Developing a High Density 270-Unit Apartment Complex
Public Hearing Conditional Rezoning Request Z908 1110 Request by Thomas H Johnson Jr with Nexsen Pruet PLLC and Ryan Foster with Flournoy Development on Behalf of Bayshore Estates Inc to Rezone 2616 Acres at 7910 Market Street from B2 Commercial District and R15 Residential District to CD R15 Conditional District for the Purpose of Developing a High Density 270-Unit Apartment Complex
Public Hearing Conditional Rezoning Request Z908 1110 Request by Thomas H Johnson Jr with Nexsen Pruet PLLC and Ryan Foster with Flournoy Development on Behalf of Bayshore Estates Inc to Rezone 2616 Acres at 7910 Market Street from B2 Commercial District and R15 Residential District to CD R15 Conditional District for the Purpose of Developing a High Density 270-Unit Apartment Complex
Public Hearing Subdivision Text Amendments A387 Request by the Csounty Technical Review Committee TRC to Amend Sections 20 411 524 of the Csounty Subdivision Ordinance by Incorporating Specific Language Road Profiles and Design Standards for Private Streets
Public Hearing Zoning Text Amendment A389 Request by Staff to Amend Article VI and Article VII of the Zoning Ordinance to Allow for Establishment of Farmers Markets and Produce Stands Under Certain Conditions
Public Hearing Street Naming SN112 101 Request by Staff to Name an Unimproved Road Known as New Road to New Jack Road and Reassign Street Mailing Addresses Located Between Whipporwill Lane and Channel Haven Drive North East of the 400 Block of Masonboro Loop Road
12. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 13. ADJOURN