MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.) INVOCATION ( Pastor Wayne Johnson, Sr., St. Stephen A.M. E. Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Woody White)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Adoption of State Road Resolutions 3. Appointment of Directors to the New Hanover County Financing Corporation 4. Approval to Submit a 2016 Grant Application to the N. C. Governor's Highway Safety Program for Funding in the amount of $20,000 -- Booze It and Loose It" and " Click It or Ticket" 5. Award of Contract to Audit the County' s Financial Statements to Cherry Bekaert, LLP 6. Approval of NC Education Lottery Project Application for Renovations Needed to Use the Sidbury Road Site as a " Swing Space" for the College Park Elementary School During Building Replacement 7. Approval of Board of Education Capital Outlay Budget Amendment 5 8. Adoption of Budget Amendments
Public Hearing Special Use Permit Request ( S -623, 11/ 14) - Request by Hellman, Yates, and Tisdale on Behalf of Angela W. Steele Life Estate to Develop a 150 - Foot -Tall Telecommunications Tower at 6516 Murrayville Road
Consideration of Request for Approval to Proceed with the Issuance Board of Commissioners - February 2, 2015 of an RFP ( Request for Proposal) for Construction and Demolition Recycling Equipment for the New Hanover County Landfill, as Included in the FY14 -15 Adopted Budget
Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney Adjourn
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.) INVOCATION ( Pastor Wayne Johnson, Sr., St. Stephen A.M. E. Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Woody White)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Adoption of State Road Resolutions 3. Appointment of Directors to the New Hanover County Financing Corporation 4. Approval to Submit a 2016 Grant Application to the N. C. Governor's Highway Safety Program for Funding in the amount of $20,000 -- Booze It and Loose It" and " Click It or Ticket" 5. Award of Contract to Audit the County' s Financial Statements to Cherry Bekaert, LLP 6. Approval of NC Education Lottery Project Application for Renovations Needed to Use the Sidbury Road Site as a " Swing Space" for the College Park Elementary School During Building Replacement 7. Approval of Board of Education Capital Outlay Budget Amendment 5 8. Adoption of Budget Amendments
Public Hearing Special Use Permit Request ( S -623, 11/ 14) - Request by Hellman, Yates, and Tisdale on Behalf of Angela W. Steele Life Estate to Develop a 150 - Foot -Tall Telecommunications Tower at 6516 Murrayville Road
Consideration of Request for Approval to Proceed with the Issuance Board of Commissioners - February 2, 2015 of an RFP ( Request for Proposal) for Construction and Demolition Recycling Equipment for the New Hanover County Landfill, as Included in the FY14 -15 Adopted Budget
Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney Adjourn