MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.) INVOCATION ( Reverend John A. McLaughlin, St. Jude Metropolitan Community Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ( Commissioner Skip Watkins)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Appointment of Commissioner Zapple to the Wilmington Downtown, Inc. Board 3. Adoption of State Road Resolution 4. Acceptance of New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District as a County Department 5. Adoption of a Resolution Requesting that the North Carolina Department of Transportation Install Landscaping along Transportation Routes in New Hanover County in Order to Improve the Aesthetics in Preparation for the 2017 Wells Fargo Championship 6. Approval to Apply for the NCDENR 2015 Grant - Construction & Demolition Recycling Program in the Amount of $ 30,000 7. Approval to Award Contract to MTS Services for the Audio -V isual Technology Upgrade Design for the Board of Commissioners' Assembly Room 8. Approval of December 2014 Tax Collection Reports
Consideration of Approval to Submit a Grant Application to the N. C. Governor's Highway Safety Program for Funding in the Amount of $91, 000
Consideration of Issuing a Request for Qualification ( RFQ) to select a Firm /Team Capable of Assessing the Carolina Beach ( CB) Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR) Project' s Continued Federal Interest, Preparation of a Risk Reduction Plan and Potentially a Limited Re- evaluation Report ( LRR)
Consideration of Amendment 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between New Hanover County and the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Regarding Marquis Hills Sewer Extension and Heritage Park Sewer Extension Projects
18. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 19. ADJOURN
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Jr.) INVOCATION ( Reverend John A. McLaughlin, St. Jude Metropolitan Community Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ( Commissioner Skip Watkins)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Appointment of Commissioner Zapple to the Wilmington Downtown, Inc. Board 3. Adoption of State Road Resolution 4. Acceptance of New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District as a County Department 5. Adoption of a Resolution Requesting that the North Carolina Department of Transportation Install Landscaping along Transportation Routes in New Hanover County in Order to Improve the Aesthetics in Preparation for the 2017 Wells Fargo Championship 6. Approval to Apply for the NCDENR 2015 Grant - Construction & Demolition Recycling Program in the Amount of $ 30,000 7. Approval to Award Contract to MTS Services for the Audio -V isual Technology Upgrade Design for the Board of Commissioners' Assembly Room 8. Approval of December 2014 Tax Collection Reports
Consideration of Approval to Submit a Grant Application to the N. C. Governor's Highway Safety Program for Funding in the Amount of $91, 000
Consideration of Issuing a Request for Qualification ( RFQ) to select a Firm /Team Capable of Assessing the Carolina Beach ( CB) Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR) Project' s Continued Federal Interest, Preparation of a Risk Reduction Plan and Potentially a Limited Re- evaluation Report ( LRR)
Consideration of Amendment 1 to the Interlocal Agreement between New Hanover County and the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Regarding Marquis Hills Sewer Extension and Heritage Park Sewer Extension Projects
18. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 19. ADJOURN