MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Beth Dawson) INVOCATION (Pastor Wayne Johnson, St. Stephen AME Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Skip Watkins)
APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Bank Resolutions and Agreements for Deposit Accounts with BB&T and Yadkin Bank 3. Adoption of Myrtle Grove Library Replacement (Pine Valley) Project Budget Amendment 5. Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Sole Source Award for the Purchase of (3) Fingerprint Machines to Safran MorphoTrak in the Amount of $62,625 6. Approval to Amend Fee Schedule to Increase the Filing Fee for Any Deed of Trust or Mortgage from $56 for the First 15 Pages to $64 for the First 35 Pages, Change to be Effective October 1, 2016
Presentation of 2016 Local Government Federal Credit Union Excellence in Innovation Award to New Hanover County Information Technology Department
Consideration of Award of Contract to Milestone Communications for the Development and Management of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in New Hanover County
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Beth Dawson) INVOCATION (Pastor Wayne Johnson, St. Stephen AME Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Skip Watkins)
APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Bank Resolutions and Agreements for Deposit Accounts with BB&T and Yadkin Bank 3. Adoption of Myrtle Grove Library Replacement (Pine Valley) Project Budget Amendment 5. Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Sole Source Award for the Purchase of (3) Fingerprint Machines to Safran MorphoTrak in the Amount of $62,625 6. Approval to Amend Fee Schedule to Increase the Filing Fee for Any Deed of Trust or Mortgage from $56 for the First 15 Pages to $64 for the First 35 Pages, Change to be Effective October 1, 2016
Presentation of 2016 Local Government Federal Credit Union Excellence in Innovation Award to New Hanover County Information Technology Department
Consideration of Award of Contract to Milestone Communications for the Development and Management of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in New Hanover County