JUNE 1, 2020 4: 00 PM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chair Julia Olson-Boseman) INVOCATION (Pastor Patrick Hall, Cape Fear Free Will Baptist Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Rob Zapple)
APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Second Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for Blackburn Hauling & Maintenance 3. Second Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for TriCounty Trash 4. Adoption of First National Bank Authorization Resolution 5. Ratification of Application for 2020 Assistance to Firefighters ( AFG -S) COVI D- 19 Supplement Funding 6. Adoption of National Men' s Health Month Proclamation 7. Adoption of Budget Amendment for the Purchase of FEMA Trailers to Provide Workforce and Affordable Housing in New Hanover County
Adoption of Budget Amendment for the Purchase of FEMA Trailers to Provide Workforce and Affordable Housing in New Hanover County
Public Hearing on Small Business Economic Incentive Grant Program and Adoption of Budget Amendment for FY19 -20
Public Hearing Economic Development and Economic I ncentives Appropriations ( limit three minutes)
Quasi - Judicial Hearing Special Use Permit Request ( S19 -02) — Request by Tribute Companies on Behalf of the Property Owner, Coswald, LLC, for a Special Use Permit to Develop Residential Uses Within a Commercial District on Approximately 15. 6 Acres of Land Located in the 200 Block of Lendire Road, near the 7200 Block of Market Street
Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z19 -14) - Request by Logan Developers, I nc. on Behalf of the Property Owners, Murray, Spradley, Foy, et al, to Rezone Approximately 52. 39 Acres of Land Located Near the 8300 Block of "Old" Market Street and the 8300 Block of Shiraz Way, from R - 15 and R - 20, Residential Districts, to (CZD) RMF -L, Conditional Residential Multi- Family Low Density District, in Order to Construct a Residential Development Consisting of Multi- Family, Duplex, and Single - Family Housing
Public Hearing Rezoning Request ( Z20 -03) - Request by Design Solutions on Behalf of the Property Owner, HD, LLC, to Rezone Approximately 74. 83 Acres of Land Located Near the 5800 Block of Carolina Beach Road, North of the Existing Tarin Woods Subdivision, from R -15, Residential District, to ( CZD) R - 5, Moderate - High Residential District, in Order to Develop 499 Dwelling Units ( 97 Single - Family Dwellings and 402 Townhomes)
16. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 17. ADJOURN
JUNE 1, 2020 4: 00 PM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chair Julia Olson-Boseman) INVOCATION (Pastor Patrick Hall, Cape Fear Free Will Baptist Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Rob Zapple)
APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Second Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for Blackburn Hauling & Maintenance 3. Second Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Renewal Franchise for TriCounty Trash 4. Adoption of First National Bank Authorization Resolution 5. Ratification of Application for 2020 Assistance to Firefighters ( AFG -S) COVI D- 19 Supplement Funding 6. Adoption of National Men' s Health Month Proclamation 7. Adoption of Budget Amendment for the Purchase of FEMA Trailers to Provide Workforce and Affordable Housing in New Hanover County
Adoption of Budget Amendment for the Purchase of FEMA Trailers to Provide Workforce and Affordable Housing in New Hanover County
Public Hearing on Small Business Economic Incentive Grant Program and Adoption of Budget Amendment for FY19 -20
Public Hearing Economic Development and Economic I ncentives Appropriations ( limit three minutes)
Quasi - Judicial Hearing Special Use Permit Request ( S19 -02) — Request by Tribute Companies on Behalf of the Property Owner, Coswald, LLC, for a Special Use Permit to Develop Residential Uses Within a Commercial District on Approximately 15. 6 Acres of Land Located in the 200 Block of Lendire Road, near the 7200 Block of Market Street
Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z19 -14) - Request by Logan Developers, I nc. on Behalf of the Property Owners, Murray, Spradley, Foy, et al, to Rezone Approximately 52. 39 Acres of Land Located Near the 8300 Block of "Old" Market Street and the 8300 Block of Shiraz Way, from R - 15 and R - 20, Residential Districts, to (CZD) RMF -L, Conditional Residential Multi- Family Low Density District, in Order to Construct a Residential Development Consisting of Multi- Family, Duplex, and Single - Family Housing
Public Hearing Rezoning Request ( Z20 -03) - Request by Design Solutions on Behalf of the Property Owner, HD, LLC, to Rezone Approximately 74. 83 Acres of Land Located Near the 5800 Block of Carolina Beach Road, North of the Existing Tarin Woods Subdivision, from R -15, Residential District, to ( CZD) R - 5, Moderate - High Residential District, in Order to Develop 499 Dwelling Units ( 97 Single - Family Dwellings and 402 Townhomes)
16. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 17. ADJOURN