MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ( Chair Julia Olson - Boseman) INVOCATION ( Reverend Richard G. Elliott, St. Andrews On The Sound Episcopal Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ( Commissioner Bill Rivenbark)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval to Accept a 2021 Large Sediment Sampling Grant 3. Approval of Eight Donations for Accession into the Museum' s Permanent Collection 4. Approval to Apply for Funding through the Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Program- Direct Attributable (STBGP -DA) Fund for Construction of Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails along Middle Sound Loop Road from Red Cedar to Publix, and along Market Street from Mendenhall to Porters Neck Walmart 5. Approval of December 2020 Tax Collection Reports
6. Approval of Order for Advertisement of 2020 Unpaid Tax Liens on Real Property 7. Adoption of Budget Amendments
REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS Diversity & Equity Assessment and Strategic Plan Presentation
Providing Customer Delight in Health and Human Services: An Overview of Improvements to Processes that Enhance Our Customer' s Experience and Create Innovative Solutions
ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 14. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney
CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 15. Closed Session to Consider Personnel Matter Pursuant to NCGS 143- 318. 11( a) 6) 16. ADJOURN
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ( Chair Julia Olson - Boseman) INVOCATION ( Reverend Richard G. Elliott, St. Andrews On The Sound Episcopal Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ( Commissioner Bill Rivenbark)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval to Accept a 2021 Large Sediment Sampling Grant 3. Approval of Eight Donations for Accession into the Museum' s Permanent Collection 4. Approval to Apply for Funding through the Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Program- Direct Attributable (STBGP -DA) Fund for Construction of Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails along Middle Sound Loop Road from Red Cedar to Publix, and along Market Street from Mendenhall to Porters Neck Walmart 5. Approval of December 2020 Tax Collection Reports
6. Approval of Order for Advertisement of 2020 Unpaid Tax Liens on Real Property 7. Adoption of Budget Amendments
REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS Diversity & Equity Assessment and Strategic Plan Presentation
Providing Customer Delight in Health and Human Services: An Overview of Improvements to Processes that Enhance Our Customer' s Experience and Create Innovative Solutions
ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 14. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney
CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 15. Closed Session to Consider Personnel Matter Pursuant to NCGS 143- 318. 11( a) 6) 16. ADJOURN