MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ( Chair Julia Olson - Boseman) INVOCATION ( Pastor Ron McGee, Rock Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ( Vice -Chair Deb Hays)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. First Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Franchise for Edwards Rentals dba Rent - A -John 3. First Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Franchise for Green Coast Containers LLC 4. Adoption of a Budget Amendment for Stormwater Services 5. Award of Fiscal Year 2020 -2021 Audit Contract
Public Hearing with Respect to Retirement Facilities Revenue Bonds to be Issued by the Public Finance Authority in an Amount Not to Exceed $ 65, 000,000 for the Davis Community
ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 12. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 13. ADJOURN
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ( Chair Julia Olson - Boseman) INVOCATION ( Pastor Ron McGee, Rock Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ( Vice -Chair Deb Hays)
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. First Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Franchise for Edwards Rentals dba Rent - A -John 3. First Reading: Approval of Solid Waste Franchise for Green Coast Containers LLC 4. Adoption of a Budget Amendment for Stormwater Services 5. Award of Fiscal Year 2020 -2021 Audit Contract
Public Hearing with Respect to Retirement Facilities Revenue Bonds to be Issued by the Public Finance Authority in an Amount Not to Exceed $ 65, 000,000 for the Davis Community
ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 12. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 13. ADJOURN